Marc GoldringComment


Marc GoldringComment

This season’s weather has been so topsy-turvy it’s hard to keep track of what month it is. Today’s temperature seems to have no connection with tomorrow’s. And while the unusually warm weather is pleasant, it is also deeply disturbing.

In this image, the mixture of ice and water and left-over autumn leaves represent a theme I have played with many times. I love the interplay of these elements and what they tell us about the day, the colors and textures, the movement of water, the solidity of ice.

Yet, that story feels different now. At the risk of being overly dramatic, it feels like we are losing something as our climate deals with what we humans have somewhat selfishly done for a few centuries.

And yet, there is still beauty in our world and we need art, perhaps more than ever. But we each need to figure out what role we will play to give this planet its best shot at survival. I’ll feel OK making art if I can also do that.