Marc GoldringComment


Marc GoldringComment

Water, when it’s frozen, becomes almost the contradiction of water. It doesn’t move, much less flow. It isn’t sinuous or supple or any of those words we use to describe fluidity.

So it’s interesting to me that I am as attracted to ice as I am to water. Ice is not exactly the opposite of water, but some odd variation on that theme. It doesn’t seem like something that would appeal to me - it’s so… rigid, stiff, unyielding, all those traits I struggle to let go of in myself.

Yet ice is exactly right for its season. It’s water with its shoulders hunched. The frozen-over cracks, crazed like broken glass, create the illusion of movement. And it is ready, after a day of sunlight and warmth, to return to a less taut form, and that represents another type of flexibility.