Uncurated Art
I’ve spent a lot of time over the years looking at the world through a camera lens and seeking out assemblages that, through the act of framing, stand out as strong images, looking at things that I don’t usually think of as “art” or even worthy of shooting.
So I’m used to having that focus, that discipline, to keep looking and not assume that some collection of miscellaneous stuff is not worthy of closer examination.
Yesterday, walking around the Pond without my camera (what I call my “big camera” although it is elegantly small), I noticed some roots beneath my shoe that appealed to me and took a shot with my phone. I had several thoughts: first, this is almost a wonderful composition - not quite but awfully close! And second: who cares! This is the raw beauty of our world, perhaps not breath-taking but it is the stuff we live with and live around. The world wouldn’t work in the same way without it.
I’m glad I noticed! And we are blessed to be able to walk among these.