It’s been quite some time since I’ve seen a shot like this, and it’s very invigorating. I love the enigma and the initial visual confusion, which, in this case, doesn’t seem to disappear as one looks it longer and more carefully.
Just so you know, this is a section of a concrete retaining wall along the Ashmont-Mattapan MBTA Line. (The cutest little orange trolley goes by every 3 to 5 minutes). Much of the reason it’s hard to read is because the subject is hard to read. But it’s also because I’ve processed it to accentuate that aspect. I’ve added contrast to the blue-gray concrete that highlights “veins” to give texture to a reasonably uniform, uninteresting portion of the image.
I don’t feel any commitment to preserving the reality of image that is in front of me, especially if my processing decisions make for a more visually interesting and engaging image. Of course, once you sort out the image, get over the visual confusion, you must decide whether the image is worth looking at. Does it say anything beyond making you look more carefully than you might have otherwise?
Time will tell. I think it does today; will I feel the same way in a month? Stay tuned!