Marc GoldringComment

Morning light

Marc GoldringComment

I’ve gotten into the habit of walking to and through the Peters Hill section of the Arboretum. It’s only a ten-minute walk to the nearest gate which leaves plenty of time for a ramble among the trees. I’ve been doing this for a couple of months and I already have some favorite trees.

The sun is rising later and I’m walking earlier so I’m likely to encounter more of this focused, early morning light. It had rained a bit the night before and that did something to the air, cleared it out perhaps. It was the sort of morning that makes you want to stand up straighter and look around rather than watch your feet.

There’s something about this neighborhood of trees, spaced sufficiently far apart that the light gets in for the undergrowth. In the moment, it felt like all the green growing things were working really hard to use this dose of sunlight most efficiently.

Perhaps that’s just me being romantic or anthropomorphizing. Still, that’s how it seemed. And until the trees speak, there’s no way to know if I’m right or wrong!
