After even a not-very-wintry winter, spring is a blessed relief with its invitation to being outside with the colors and sounds of rebirth. It’s an easy celebration as it becomes more obvious that the season is turning. What grabs my attention first are the flowers and they are anything but subtle –forsythia bushes and magnolia trees and daffodils and on and on.
Who doesn’t enjoy seeing this joyous festival of rebirth? But there’s more, if I can remember to slow down and notice. It’s the subtle mist of yellow-green buds on trees and shrubs throughout the Arboretum. I almost missed it this morning as I was rehearsing yesterday’s tumult. Not sure what caused me to slow down but I’m glad I did.
At this time of year, I can watch it every day – there’s more flowers, more leaves, more bird songs, it’s an expansive time. It starts out subtly and ends up in a glorious cacophony of growth and renewal. With all our difficulties, it makes sense to take the time to notice what we still do have.