Shorter days
It’s clear the days are getting shorter, it’s hard to miss. And while I miss the bright daylight of summer, I experience a benefit to the shorter days.
I can explain.
I’m a creature of habit. I get up at the same time every morning, pretty much regardless of the season. I do my morning practice, a mix of yoga and stretching so I can actually walk erect. Then I leave for my walk around Peters Hill at roughly the same time every morning. Nowadays, the end of the sunrise and I meet up near the South Street gate.
The sun rises every day and I get to do my best to capture some aspect of it for a couple of months when my human life coincides with celestial plans, which are even more of a routine than those I keep.
So it is with some surprise that I note that I enjoy the days getting shorter. I do love sunlight but the opportunities to greet the sun every morning makes me a bit selfish.