Marc GoldringComment


Marc GoldringComment

When I’m out with the camera, I frequently look for visual enigma if not downright confusion. That’s because I often feel like the longer it takes me to sort out exactly what I’m looking at, the deeper I’m likely to look. It doesn’t always work that way, but it happens often enough that I gravitate to that sort of framing.

 So it probably wouldn’t surprise you that I’m attracted to this image – talk about visual confusion! What exactly are we looking at? If you guessed the bark hanging off a London Planetree, you’d be right. Hey, were you walking right behind me when I took the shot?

 The bark of a London Planetree, like the bark of Sycamore trees, peels off the trunk, often in long strips – annoying if the tree is in your front yard. But otherwise, strange and fun to explore at all seasons.