Marc GoldringComment


Marc GoldringComment

The days are getting shorter again, no surprise there.  That means my morning walk around Peters Hill, which occurs at roughly the same time each day, is beginning to intersect with the rising sun. It’s such a blessing. To watch one thing change into another, this transition from dark to light, from night to day, it’s worth taking a moment and noticing. It’s not magic, just our world working as it always has.

 One morning a week or so ago, the clouds were beginning to break and the rain was ending. There was a gentle mist hanging low as the first light of dawn began to dance across the hillside. It was still and almost dark. And quiet, just birds, insects, and an occasional truck.

 In these moments, if I’m attentive, I notice that, even with all the turmoil in our world, there is much that is uplifting, and also essentially uneventful: It is just the everyday, natural movement of the world we inhabit. Moments like this help me remember to pay attention.