Lost, found
If you’ve been in JP for a while, perhaps you remember the old Hancock Mansion on Pinebank Promontory overlooking Jamaica Pond. It had a long, slow, undignified decline before it was torn down some years ago. Luckily, the glorious sycamore tree that surrounded it survived to this day, among the most elegant of trees, certainly more visible without the distraction of the building.
This image was shot with an infrared filter. It imparts a mysterious, dark, daytime feeling well suited to the site. By this time, the mansion was covered with graffiti and missing windows. It was hard to imagine what that place must have been like when it was a home in this most unique of locations..
Today, nothing remains save an outline of the building in granite dug into the turf, and, of course, the sycamore trees.
I count myself lucky to have seen this old relic before it was razed and to have captured some few images of its furlorn decline.