Marc GoldringComment


Marc GoldringComment

It was cold yesterday and the wind was strong. Clouds raced across the sky, hurrying somewhere. The idea of walking to the Pond, much less around it, was pretty much a non-starter. We’ve not had much cold weather so far this season so the bitter wind caught me off-guard.

Instead of going to the Pond, we walked in the nearby community garden. Winter there is always an adventure. Sure, there’s only a little green growing stuff with an overabundance of dead, brown tomato vines and stray leaves. Yet there’s lots to look at, especially in the areas that aren’t culvitated.

Many years ago, this area was used as an informal dump so there’s lots of pottery pieces, glass, and odd hunks of metal. Here’s an old pipe, nuzzled in among leaves and rocks. I like that it’s so quiet and somehow it reminds me of what winter inspires - settling in for a long nap.
