Marc GoldringComment

Land and water

Marc GoldringComment

This is Ponkapoag Pond, in the Blue Hills Reservation. It’s a surprisingly isolated natural area, considering how close to the city it is.

There is snow on the water and snow on the land. So it’s hard to know where one ends and the other starts. That’s something of a theme in my work lately! And considering that the water is frozen, or was when I took this shot, that distinction is of less importance.

Yet there’s something about walking through the snow and onto the frozen water that changes my thinking about how to walk. I notice that I am being more careful, minimizing my weight so as not to fall through. It’s not likely to happen but there you go - avoid calamity whenever possible, no matter how low the risk.

It’s a lovely spot, especially if the winds not blowing. Look around there some time, just for fun!
