Marc GoldringComment


Marc GoldringComment

We were walking in the woods of the Arboretum after the recent snow. It was a bright, clear, cold day and there was much to see in places I’ve not been before. Actually a delight!

I shot a lot, although nothing really seemed to grab me. Until this shot: the wind picked up enough to blow the snow off the high limbs of these trees and the cascade of snow reflected the sun’s rays. At that moment, I thought I’d finally gotten something I’d like.

And when I processed it in the studio later, I liked it, worked hard on it to accentuate the falling snow. I loved the light coming in from the upper left and the saplings pointing to it from the lower left. It seemed balanced with the balls of snow on the branches in the lower right.

Now, a day later, I wonder - I knew the scene, I could read it, having been there. But I wonder if it’s confusing to the new viewer, whether it looks like the balanced natural world or just disorder. I expect it will become clear to me with greater distance. In the meantime, I’d love to hear your thoughts.
