Marc GoldringComment

Winter colors

Marc GoldringComment

Walking around the pond in the Forest Hills Cemetery has become a bit of a Wednesday ritual. The pond itself is mostly frozen and with the snow, there are times when it’s difficult to walk around it except by staying on the roadway, a distance from the water.

There are plenty of rhododendrons throughout the Cemetery and this one by the pond. I am struck by how much they retain that deep green that I think of as the province of summer. Yet here, on this chill January morning, it is. And it sits adjacent to an oak, I think, that hangs on to its no-longer-green leaves, as oaks often do.

It’s the contrast. The interplay between the colors and what they say about the season. The juxtaposition of memories of warm summer and chill autumn. It’s especially fun that the visual elements of this shot reflect that intellectual dialogue about contrast. Unexpected. And fun!
