Marc GoldringComment


Marc GoldringComment

Such a rich canvas of textures in this image. The colors are subtle, allowing the textures to take center stage. Well, not exactly center – that is devoted to a mysterious black hole. I wonder: Why is it there? What caused it? Are the various layers of texture that surround it part of an on-going healing process? Does it threaten the life of the tree? So many questions.

 It’s probably safe to assume that this tree has been through some adversity, something not uncommon to trees in general. It’s a Pink Mountain Silverbell, in the upper reaches of the Conifer Path toward the Centre Street Gate.

 We all encounter adversity of whatever sort, especially if we’ve been around for a while. That’s true of trees and people, among others. I love looking at the mix of textures in the image. They remind me of my wrinkles, the ones I’ve acquired as an elder. I do my best to honor those reflects of my life, just as I enjoy imagining what has caused the various layers of growth in this tree’s history.

 Another similarity between trees and people.