October in August
It’s been over a week of temperatures of over 90 degrees with high humidity. It’s taking a toll. And not only is it hot, but we are in the beginning stages of a drought. Everything feels like it’s burning up. With good reason - a lot of it is!
There’s an object lesson for me here - that how I feel physically has a huge impact on how I feel emotionally. It’s just plain hard to remember to be civil when walking just a block is enough to soak my shirt in sweat. And the truth is we always have some of this during the summer, even if this is a bit more than usual. OK, more than a bit…
As this particular bout of heat begins slowly to wind down, I want to remind myself that in the general scheme of things, this is just heat, that the discomfort is simply physical and it need not impinge on the rest of my life. It’s hard to avoid, but it’s possible, just as I can walk in the depth of winter’s cold without having it take over my life. And I do know that I am lucky, I really have nothing to complain about.
That’s worth remembering no matter what the weather!