Same vision?
It’s hard to shoot in Woods Hole. Everything is so beautiful and everything has been shot over and over (and over). It’s hard to come up with a unique statement.
On this visit, I thought I’d see how my recent obsession with reflections would work in Woods Hole. At least that would keep me away from seascapes and lighthouses! So we walked to a pond with a wooden bridge over it. There are lily pads toward the bridge side of the pond and on the shore is a Japanese maple. About as close to my “Edge of the Pond” portfolio work as I was likely to find.
So I shot. This image is the result.
After a fair amount of post-processing, I find the image interesting but not completely satisfying. Maybe it’s just me, but the color scheme and textures of this image don’t sing to me the way the other “Edge of the Pond” images do. I’ll sit with it for a month and see if that judgment shifts.
What’s your take??