Colorful ice
What’s in the water? That was my first question when I saw this image in Lightroom. My first reaction was that there was something wrong. I’ll grant you that I manipulated this a bit more than I usually do. It seemed to call for that sort of treatment, not sure why.
Yet while the leaf appears as I would expect, there’s a range of colors, from red-violet to blue-turquoise that seem beyond what I saw when I took the shot. If you’ve been following my work, you probably know that I have no hesitation to manipulate my images. But in this instance, I was surprised by what was revealed when I did that.
I kept this image because I was attracted to the mystery of the colors in the ice. The white spots of ice add to the ambiguity. I’m not sure how this image will age. Truth be told, I often find the “over-processed” images aren’t keepers. They seem to turn into trick ponies with no real staying power. But that’s not always the case. We’ll see with this one.
What do you think??