Marc GoldringComment

Looking at limbs

Marc GoldringComment

One of the most fruitful themes in the past few years has been the series of images that explored “the edge of the Pond.” I’ve shot other things, heaven knows, but the bulk of the successful work of the past 18 months has been from that series.

It feels like it’s complete. Or close to that.

So, what’s next? That’s been the pressing question.

I’m not sure. But I’m toying with looking up after so long looking down. I’m thinking that the tops of trees might provide an interesting body of images. It feels very early in this exploration to announce this, not that anyone will be keeping score. I can see potential for exploration and also some limitations, especially once the leaves are on the trees…

For the moment, I’m aiming to not think too much about this and just go out and shoot and see what moves me. So, stay tuned!!
