Marc GoldringComment

Surreal landscape

Marc GoldringComment

I promise you I’m not trying to take the same shoots over and over again - I think I just said something about this in the prior blog post. In truth, each time I find a wonderful shot with a familiar theme, it moves the visual conversation forward. So it’s worth noting, especially today!

Here’s the story…

We were walking around Ward’s Pond some days ago and I didn’t have my camera with me. As we sat on a log in the sunshine, I took a few shots with my phone. Didn’t think much about it, in fact, I didn’t even remember to process the images when I got home. It wasn’t until the next day, when I returned from another walk around the Pond, that I downloaded the images on my camera and the iPhone as well. To my complete amazement, the few shots on the phone were substantially more interesting than the ones on my wonderful camera! It was the difference in the light - a sunny day for the iPhone and drab clouds for the Olympus.

I love the colors in this image and I love the juxtaposition of the detail in the upside-down tree limbs and the soft, almost eerie underwater leaves in the foreground. The blue between them - a mix of the water and the sky - adds another layer to what feels to me very mysterious.

In case you haven’t figured it out, I really like this shot!
