Another edge

Anywhere there’s water and trees growing along the edge, there’s the possibility of the sorts of shots I’m looking for. In some cases, the water is encroaching on the land, as in the image in the most recent post. This shot is from the Arboretum, at a place by a meandering stream that I walk beside.

I really don’t know whether these roots were exposed because of the force of the water or if some other sort of erosion caused it. I’m no naturalist and I appreciate the texture and colors of these old roots even without understanding the why’s and the wherefores.

Beyond that, I confess I fall into anthropomorphizing this tree - imagining the slow-motion struggle to stay erect, to reach for the height of the canopy of trees, to build roots that bring the nutrients and moisture that it needs, but not too much.

I have an intuition that this shot and the one right before represent a potential new direction for me. I don’t expect to come upon these scenes frequently so it may take a while. But knowing what you’re looking for usually helps me find it!
