Marc GoldringComment

The practice of stillness

Marc GoldringComment

The mill pond in Woods Hole is a favorite lunch spot for this heron. (I’m no expert so I hesitate to name it beyond that. I think it’s a Great Blue Heron so if you can confirm or correct that, I’d appreciate it.)

The foliage around the pond is just beginning to think about autumn. So the grasses and shrubs and trees work to obscure the bird. Sitting on pile of rocks, I’m amazed at how still this bird can be, how able to look deeply with focus and attention. The bird is fishing so perhaps that’s required to get the food needed for life. Still it’s impressive.

I’m not sure there’s any objective that would motivate me to be as one-pointed as this. My meditation is as close as I come but there’s a lot of internal jumping around even then. I wonder what goes on in the heron’s mind as it waits patiently for its sustenance. It would be worth seeing if I can learn to focus my attention from the heron’s stillness.

Worth a try!
