Marc GoldringComment


Marc GoldringComment

Once again I notice the vague confusion of looking at an image and not having clarity about what I’m looking at. Well, of course, I took the shot so I must know what it is. And of course I do. Yet, looking at it several days after shooting and processing, it’s a bit of a mystery to me.

This is a spruce tree common in Japan. It stands along the Conifer Path in the Arboretum. And this close-up shot reminds me of stone or some deposit of metal as much as the bark of a tree.

Some of that is because I followed my artist eye during the post-processing. But more of it is simply what happens when we frame a small section of the world and look closely and without pre-conceptions at what is there.

Maybe you will see something else - that’s fine, encouraging in fact. Let us all look closely and notice more of the world around us!