

I feel confused looking at this image, in part because I took it in a place I only go to infrequently, so my visual memory of where I was when I shot it is quite dim. And, since it wasn’t in the Arboretum, it didn’t have one of those handy metal tags telling you all you wanted (and more…) to know about the specimen. I wish I could say more about this shot but, sadly, I can’t.

I was walking with a friend and not actively shooting. But this tree was so interesting to me that I decided to get some images with my phone. A surprising number of those phone shots come out beautifully and this was one of them.

What I enjoy about this image is that it doesn’t “look like” anything that I can see - not a contour map, not a hidden face, not an alien landscape. And while it doesn’t necessarily scream tree bark, it makes a complex, enigmatic and, one might say confusing, image. That’s just the sort I enjoy!