Over head

Over head

Looking at my images is often a dance between literal and figurative or imaginative visions. There’s what I saw through the viewfinder; and then there’s what I saw when I viewed the image on the screen. Sometimes those two are very different.

In this instance, in the camera I saw the stump of a small, sawed-off limb as it was slowly healing. I saw that and the surrounding bark. I did notice some interesting textures - that’s what initially attracted me, that and the somewhat uncommon colors.

On the screen the textures of the central section took on even greater importance. The bark became landscape, with many possible interpretations. Seeing an overhead view of a volcano or a mountain lake were where my mind went.

Images that “look like” something in the “real world” tend to disappoint me. Often they fade after a dozen or so looks, like a visual trick. Since this is a new image for me - day before yesterday - my mind may change about this and I reserve the right to change it. In the meantime, it’s fun to look at…