

The weather report, checked as I started my morning walk around Peters Hill, declare the air “unhealthy” for people in “sensitive groups.” Is that me, with a bunch of almost-80-year-old ailments? Unhealthy, which is to say “dangerous” air, that’s an alarming concept.

As I walked, I noticed the sun looking as though in a muted sunrise although the sun had been up for almost 2 hours. The effect of the air pollution was clear. The contrast of the air filled with smoke and the left-over morning mist made for a confusing image.

Usually, I enjoy confusing images. My contention is that they make us look longer and harder, which often results in seeing more, and more deeply. Not always, but often enough. But this image I found unnerving. I knew I was seeing the impact of our enthusiastic abuse of our planet.

I’ll allow myself to be alarmed, unnerved. But that can’t be the end of it. I need to use this to help me move forward to working more actively to protect our planet.